Drill and Blast OP

Working in open-pit mining as a Drill and Blast Engineer in Australia is a dynamic role that requires a balance of fieldwork and technical design, often in remote locations with challenging environmental conditions.
Blast Design: Creating blast designs suitable for open-pit operations, taking into consideration the bench height, the type of rock, and the desired fragmentation.
Drilling Oversight: Planning and overseeing the drilling patterns to ensure optimal placement of explosives.
Technical Proficiency: Understanding the mechanics of rock breakage, explosives technology, and engineering principles specific to open-pit mining.
Software Proficiency: Skilled in using specialized mining software for Drill & Blast Engineering, like Deswik CAD, Deswik D&B, or Vulcan D&B.
Begins with a briefing with the blasting crew, reviewing the blasting schedule, and inspecting the drilling sites. Overseeing the charging of blast holes, executing the blast, and then evaluating the blast results. Planning and adjustments for future blasts based on the day’s outcomes.
Site-Based Work: Drill and Blast Engineers in open-pit mines typically work on-site during their rostered shifts, which can follow FIFO arrangements, such as 8 days on and 6 days off or similar schedules.

“Leading a multidisciplinary team allows you to see how each area contributes to the overall value of the Mining project.”

Catherine Lalut
Senior Mining Consultant
President Women in Mining & Engineer WA (WMEWA)

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